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Project Name. AXON Headquarters  [2.0]

Project Client. AXON

Project Location. Scottsdale, Arizona

Project Type. Ground Up Build - Interior Tenant Fit Out

Project Size. 401,000 GSF

Project Budget. $145,000,000

Project Phase. Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents

Programs Used. Revit, Sketchup, Enscape, Photoshop


Project Description. AXON is a mission- driven company committed to making bullets obsolete by creating future weapons that allow people to protect themselves without taking a human life. It's vision was inspired by science. The vision of this project is inspired by science fiction such as the the Star Trek Phaser and Tom Swift's Electric Rifle (sci-fi from the 1930's). Axon supplies technology that is used at almost every police agency in the U.S. Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, and dozens of other countries. They are also the company that brought police body cameras to market. The goal of the new AXON Headquarters building is to do something unique in the world. Our challenge was to push beyond the boundaries of imagination for what can be done in a modern office space. We wanted to create something special, inspirational and unique.

My Role. Space planning interior office levels 01-05 - creating desired amount of meetings spaces and department support spaces per the modified existing program from AXON 1.0. Create a cohesive material pallet and design brand across all 5 levels. Design and create a Sketchup 3D model of entire building interior for VR walk through with client. Create an entire Revit model for construction documents, documenting the interiors of levels 01-05 for pricing for construction. Order and select finishes based on initial budget. Create rendered views of each typical space.

*I first worked on AXON 1.0, where we established the program, space typologies and initial branding concepts of the interior space. See AXON 1.0 for where it initially began. This AXON 2.0 is a whole new space and design, which I then was able to carry through to the start of construction documents.

rendered view throught the portal out on to the
axon bridge, overlooking the Arizona desert landscape. 

This project, just like AXON 1.0, consists of 5 office levels with an entire manufacturing warehouse attached the first floor. I was tasked to layout and design the 5 levels of the office building. All manufacturing was out of my scope. I worked with the the architects, mechanical and electrical engineers on my team for the location of building core elements such as restrooms, electrical rooms. And all necessary places I needed access for plumbing.

I was tasked to draft this entire set for the contractor to price for construction. click here to view

Each office floorplan has a typical layout regarding where open offices vs enclosed rooms were. This created a symmetry among floors for flooring finishes. I wanted to select a good variety of movement in the flooring finishes to break up the vast amounts of square footage. The different carpeted areas can delineate the different uses of the space from circulation to open office and meeting rooms to collaboration spaces.

selected finishes

inital mood board and design ideas

center stair

level 02 grab n go

executive board room

level 01 servery

meeting room cores
levels 02-05

meeting rooms & coffee/copy on both ends 

There are many support spaces that are spaced throughout each level. There is a central stair case in the open atrium that allows visibility to all 5 levels. The intention for the skin of this stair will be a 360 screen that displays graphics. This central atrium space is open and the office wings on the sides are key card accessed by employees. Throughout this open atrium, there are many typical spaces mirrored on each floor. The ceiling design of the visible spaces on each level was crucial in being cohesive and seamless into the architecture of the exposed support and structure. Below you can see my iterations and the final design shown on the right.


training room





  level 01

The level 01 Servery is for all employees in the manufacturing department. Being the department with the highest number of employees, I wanted to create a big open area with high ceilings and a nice touch of the AXON yellow. Simple neutral colors for fabrics and furniture create a simplistic community space.



The SOC was an important space for AXON. Being such a technology focused company, this place was where they controlled all aspects of security and controls for the building. I wanted to create a futuristic high-tech feel with economical choices. They required a huge control center screen, white boards, and a private meeting space.



special operations command

The training room of level 01 is one of the first places new employees will spend their time. This needed to be another place to showcase the high-tech design brand of the AXON space. With a digital screen, acoustical felt on the walls and linear lights flowing from the ceiling to the walls. A sleek functional space.




grab n go

work lounge

wing coffee | copy 

  level 02

The grab n go is a space for all office floor employees. This space functions as a smoothie /coffee bar, micro market, and employee break room.  The ceiling design is a design element that is shared with the executive board room and museum. Live greenery was an important part of the brand to create a fresh and healthy space.

GRAB N GO 02.png
GRAB N GO 01.png

  grab n go

The work lounge on level 02 is adjacent to the grab n go. It is an open space to the atrium that allows for multiple seating scenarios and places to take a lunch break, collaborate, or have informal meetings. Again, bringing in the live greenery, neutral fabrics and touches of the AXON yellow.

level 2 work lounge.png

  work lounge

  coffee | copy

On the edge of the east and west wings, banking on the sides of the exit stairs are typical coffee / copy spaces. The coffee side is equipped with a sink, coffee machine, snack cabinet, and refrigerator. The copy side contains general office supplies and necessities with a copy/printer machine. 


meeting room block

typical touch down

restroom core

typical touch down meeting

typical core meeting block

  level 03

This meeting block on level three has four big meeting rooms and a central open collaboration space. This area is open to the atrium and accessible to everyone throughout the space. This central collaboration area has a unique design to the threshold and ceiling that creates a destination space.


  meeting block

  core restrooms

I wanted to design a simplistic and cost effective space for these core restrooms as they would be replicated throughout each level. The black and white graphics are a placeholder as the intent is to work with the AXON design team to create identifying graphics for each level that can be different and add a touch of color to each restroom space.

  floor typicals

typical on wings of level 02-04

These images show the floor typical meeting boxes that are replicated on each level 02-05. These spaces are mirrored on each side of the open atrium. The design intent was to create this black box effect placed into the core that denotes the shared meeting spaces on each level. Containing three types of meeting spaces and a phone room. Simple materials, acoustical felt and linear lighting make this contrasting space stand out. 

  floor typicals

typical on wings of level 02-04

These are two typical touch down zones that are mirrored on each side of each office floor 02-05. The first image shows the touch down within the atrium. A space that provides a quick stop for informal meeting or personal work and bringing live greenery on each floor. The second image is a touch down within the key cared office areas, being a more private a secure place to meet and having access to technology.


locker rooms


  level 03

  locker rooms

The locker rooms, adjacent to the gym are accessed by all employees throughout the building. Including lockers, changing room, typical restroom and showers. Another space that I designed with economical materials to create a simple black and white contrast.


executive block



  level 04

  executive block

This executive block was an important space to showcase big design movements and brand that relates to the AXON vision. Banking either side of the actual meeting room, there is a touch down space and kitchenette to allow for catering and smaller events. The interior exec board room has a custom AXON logo table and many surfaces for media and technology.


The portal to the bridge (as seen in the first rendered video). Is across from the executive board room. There are two design options for the look of this corridor, however both achieve the intention of walking through a portal to come out onto an insane view of the landscape and spaceship like building itself. With the aim to be an iconic employee ad visitor experience, this portal is another design destination within the AXON building.

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