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Project Name. Opera House

Project Studio. Workplace Fall 2017

Project Location. Downtown Phoenix, Arizona

Project Partners. Lauren Deschamp, Cindy Yang, Jeannie Nguyen, Jingwen Wang

Programs Used. Sketchup, Podium, Photoshop


Objective.: With a timeline of one week, to visit the site, identify the ways to improve the the second floor and create a solution / brand.

My Role. Conceptualizing the solutions, creating the mood board, generating the 2D Plans, selecting lighting, designing the storage solution.


The Arizona Opera House Mission Statement: "Arizona Opera elevates the transformative power of storytelling through music - cultivating community and strengthening a state and people as adventurous and diverse as the place they call home".

For our redesign we wanted to represent the mission through out use of colors adn graphic art. Also with creating new collaborative areas and comfortable furniture, we hope it will create a new environemtn that feels more at home, adn brings a connection to performance and music.

existing conditions

On the second floor of the Opera House is the office space for several of the administrative departments. There is also an open space to the first floor where performances and auditions are held. This connection between work and play was something we wanted to combine in our concept to redesing the space. The existing space is dull with no correlation to the branding or exhibiting the connection to music and performance. 


identified improvements

Empty Space, Branding, Lighting, Sound Control, and Storage.

Bringing a connection to music and performance through color and playful pieces. This will be done with things like graphic art and rhythmic patterns that form a relationship with music. Colorful furniture and lighting will brighten up the space. 


Our first improvement was bringing in more furniture ot eliminate the empty space. Ad this is an office space where the emplyees are most fo their day, we needed to bring in spaces of the well being and other amenities such as a coffee bar adn community tables. We selected furniture pieces that are colorful, comfortable, and modern to generate a fun, welcoming environemtn to the main corridor that all the emplyeesa walk throgh, throughout the day.

lighting & acoustics

Lighting was a cruial part, adding two solutions. Working to adjust to the low lighting levels as well as adding acoustical properties to the space. 

Over the area that is open to the first floor, we have chosen acoustical lighting, serving as sound control, as well as a nice design element to fill the space. There is a wire rectilinear cage to add a unique look, as well as form a stronger relationship to the exterior architecture by the use of rectilinear form and metal materials.

On this floor, many of the offices have an open doorway that only gives privacy and scoustics by a curtain. The ceiing is also exposed throughout the corridor, which eliminates any coustical property 

hat could have been added by a type of ACT. There is also an area that opens to the first floor below where perfomances can take place. This sometimes can cause a distraction or loud noise disturbance. We are replacing all of the doorway openings with sliding acoustical panel doors to give more privacy and help with sound control. 


For the storage soultion, we designed these pull out drawers to hold all records, CDs, and other history items. They are placed throughout the public open space to be held and preserved.


We belived graphics could make a huge impact ot bring color and branding into the space, creating that connection of storytelling and music that takes place in the building. We created this graphic below, showcasing some images of the shows at the Opera House as well as a rhythmic pattern relating to music. The idea is to place this full scale along the walls of the open public area.

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