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Project Name. The District: Hanging Gardens

Project Studio. Hospitality Spring 2016

Project Location. ASU Design School Campus - Second level including Old Charlies, Dead Square, and the Patio

Project Partner. Molly Abbott

Programs Used. AutoCAD, Laser Cutter, Sketchup, Photoshop

Objective. Take the existing dead space on the second level of the design school, and turn it into a hospitality type space for the students, faculty and guests of the school.

My Role. To build existing Patio model, using laser cutting technique. To assist in creating concept for space. To generate 3D model of concept with supporting graphics. To build 3D model of concept.

Before starting the team assignments, as a class we had a week to document, measure and build a three dimensional model of the space. This gave use a chance to collaborate as a large group, hand measure and use a laser cutting machine. We were able to get a sense of scale and anaysize the detailsl and structure of the spaces.

lacking life

The first step was to understand what the space was severly lacking. Our conclusion was that there needed to be more movement and connection between the three spaces. It was lacking the feeling of "life" as each space was covered with hard materilas. We though a way to connect was to incorporate greenery and water to circulate throughout the space. Water to bring nourishment to the users,as well as color and life to re-inhabit the space.

We posed the question - Could it be possible to have a garden that is completely hanging? Where everything hangs from the ceiling, the tables, the chairs, the agriculture, even the water source and lighting?

mandala reflection

Taking inspriation from my own personal creations of dreamcathcers (shown left). Dream catchers are believed to be sacred objects though the native american tribes as a token and symbol of unity. In which unity is a major part included in the redesign of the space. The district is meant to unify the nature of the outside world through agriculture with the interior environment architecture; for students and faculty to enjoy. The center of the dreamcatcher was to be the central focus of the design, the intricate mandala was used for the voerall design and concept of The District Hanging Gardens.

the concept

The District is to not only be a design about unity, but to bring back the sense of unity withint the Design school

The District is designed to be mobile and nomadic. The small plants will be able to be taken down and replaced. In the center space, Old Charlies, there is a community table that can be used to change and collect the pants and herbs. It can be used as a space to clean and organize the produce before taking them to local campus resturants.

Solar Panels

Metal Structure



Hanging Benches

& Planted Boxes

Concrete Floor

the layers

The floor plan will be a reflection of what is on the ceiling. Just at the level of the users, to be one with the space

The other aspect of unity that is incorporated within the District is through the lighting system, that reflects and encompasses the "hanging" gardens beacuse the lights will be suspended from the ceiling. The lights will be apart of the steel frame aluminum structure in correlation with the water.

The water source acts as a central component for unity throughout the space in order to feed the plants. 

Metal Mandala is the sturcture to hang water, lighting, furniture and plants from.

Unity was incorporated through the use of the metal structure that holds all the elements together

Incorporating a sustainable practice within design, giving back to the community with the sustainable design  through solar panels. They will be on the tallest level of the hanging structure reaching though the patio and to dead square. 

camoflaged construction

Just like a dreamcatcher, the whole garden is completely hanging. By structural supports and the mandala frame - the water and lighting are incorporated throughout the top of the mandala bringing lighte and nourishment to the agriculture and the users.

the agriculture

The District will be frequently changing along with the changing produce for the different seasons. Moisture content, humidity, temperature, and light will be monitored by the maintenance worker through the EDYN app. The district will be maintained by a maintenace worker, that will incorporate the EDYN eatering valve. In which it will eliminate the water run off from the hanging planters, but will alow the plants to thrive within the environment

The student, faculty and guests will be able to interact with the environemtn, allowing them to be a part of the design.

The District: Hanging Gardens is a space within the surrounding environment. It encompasses the natural environment around it, not taking away from the existing space, but creating comfot for those within it. It will reinvent the use of an ordinary garden and translate it into a hanging garden. 

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